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Boy with an ice cream during the 1970s



According to somebody’s inclusion of me on WIKIPEDIA, I'm an English actor with film, television, radio and theatre credits; I also work for Merlin Entertainments; I studied music and drama from a young age.


This much is true.


I’ve been lucky to have done and experienced a great deal more than the brief summary on Wikipedia relays; to have travelled to many places, and to have met, worked alongside, and collaborated with very many interesting people from all walks of life around the world.


There’s much more to explore.


What follows here relates, predominantly, to some of my experiences as an actor.*


Should you decide to read on, you might learn a little more about that aspect of my life. You’re not, however, obliged to continue. It’s just a bit of trivial fun.


* Plus a bit of waffle

A quote from Shakespeare's "As You Like It"

© Graham McGrath 2023

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